Identification of ɤ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) in Loloh as A Potential Drink as Antihipertension

I Gusti Ayu Wita Kusumawati(1*), Ni Made Indri Sugiantari(2), I Gede Ariyasa(3), Ida Bagus Agung Yogeswara(4)
(1) Program of Nutrition Study, Faculty of Health, Science, and Technology, University of Dhyana Pura, Bali
(2) Program of Nutrition Study, Faculty of Health, Science, and Technology, University of Dhyana Pura, Bali
(3) Program of Nutrition Study, Faculty of Health, Science, and Technology, University of Dhyana Pura, Bali
(4) 1) Program of Nutrition Study, Faculty of Health, Science, and Technology, University of Dhyana Pura, Bali 2) Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Bodenkultur, Vienna
(*) Corresponding Author
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