Fendi Gatot Saputro(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
What philosophers observe, it also becomes an interest for
most people, is reaching the truth, and it covers various questions raising in human minds. According to mystic of Paguyuban Sumarah, existence of God is a private and personal experience. It means human can meet God. Therefore, it is needed a way or method, namely Sujud Sumarah.
Paguyuban Sumarah is an organized mystical divinity group
that has teachings, such as “Manunggaling Kawula lan Gusti” and “Jumbuhing Kawula lan Gusti”. The teachings can be practiced by doing “Sujud Sumarah”. “Sujud Sumarah” is a way to know the Truth essence by bowing motionless silently, uniting the “trimurti” (imagination, sense or feeling, and mind) where its direction is in the middle of chest through stages of “eneng, ening, eling”. The Paguyuban Sumarah understands God as an immanent and transcendent being, and professes the ideology of monotheistic monism: there is only one Truth, God, the Great Unity, the One; God as the Absolute Substance, and the basic of all things, the One Origin of Mind and Body, Spiritual and Body; and God is different from all creatures and creations (a dichotomy).
Keyword: Paguyuban Sumarah, Sujud Sumarah, Monotheistic
Monism, Immanent-Transcendent, Manunggaling
Kawula Lan Gusti, Jumbuhing Kawula Lan Gusti.
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