Relasi Filsafat dan Agama (Perspektif Islam)

Syarif Hidayatullah(1*)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
There are two main issues in this article, namely: firstly, is
about major distinction of the concept of knowledge truth in
philosophy and religion, and, secondly, is about relation between
philosophy and religion. In the first issue, it is mentioned that
although philosophy and religion are similarly in creation norms
truth and false, but the both are differently in determining its
criteria. Religion, on the side, determines these criteria based on
wahyu (revelation), so it results the true or absolute truth. On other
side, philosophy determines these criteria based on aql (reason), so
it results the speculative or relative truth. While in the second
issue, the article explains that to seek the truth of knowledge or the
true knowledge, so philosophy can used really as a good tool to
explain and support religion position. Whereas religion can used as
a source to inspirited fervent and true philosophical thinking. Point
of intersection of the both is its position in the same matter,
namely: “the Ultimate Reality”. However, distinction of the both is
not site in that matter of intersection, but it site in the way or
method to research it.
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