Pengembangan Sistem Filsafat Pancasila

Sudarso Sudarso(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Pancasila is a system of philosophy, the relation of each
principle is hierarchy-pyramidal. Logical consequence of Pancasila
as a philosophical system, therefore, is give basis for the implementation in
Indonesian government practice—economic, culture, law, defend, social
ethic, technology, and education system. Pancasila ought to give meaning
not only as “The five principles of ethic”, but naturally, Pancasila is “The
five principles of Indonesian Nationality”. It is very important to
note that in the nation-state life, Pancasila as national identity must
be developed in order to make Indonesian people standing parallel
with other peoples in welfare and justice condition. The difference
interpretation of Pancasila does not make it poor but instead of
make it powerful as a system of philosophy.  


Pancasila, hierarchy-pyramidal, a philosophical system, Implementation, powerful.

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