Notonagoro dan Religiusitas Pancasila

Syarif Hidayatullah(1*)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
a religious community interpretation toward Pancasila, Notonagoro
had an idea his compromise and philosophical point of view that
show strongly wisdom and knowing glance deeply, namely:
religiosity of Pancasila. Although he never mention this term,
religiosity of Pancasila, at all, but its contain and meaning was
strongly pictured in his thinking about three principles of
Pancasila, viz.: cultural principle, religiosity principle, and affairs
of state principle. Religiosity of Pancasila was not intend to that
Pancasila then become “a religion” for all peoples. Religiosity of
Pancasila, which was formulated from Notonagoro’s thingkiing,
was a functionalizing of spiritual principle of Pancasila.
Full Text:
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Nurcholis Madjid, “Azas Kerukunan dan Kerjasama Antar Umat

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