Membincang Kesetaraan Gender dalam Islam (Sebuah Perdebatan dalam Wacana Hermeneutik)

Laily Muthmainnah(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Discourse on gerder equality in Islam has so far been a
hermeneutical debate. This is because there are at least two
methods of interpretation: the first is interpretation as recollectionof meaning and the second is interpretation as exercise of
suspicion. Unfortunately, these two methods have always been
brought into conflict with each other. As a result, this situationhinders the possibility of arriving at a model of interpretation thatis elegant but still compatible with the spirit of Al Quran. In fact,what be done is to adopt the positive aspects of each method. Inthis way, it will be possible to generate a model of interpretation
that is democratic and contextual, so that religion truly becomes asystem of faith and worship which has great respect for various
gender issues.  


Islam, Gender, Hermeneutics

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