Ilmu dan Agama dalam Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu

Cuk Ananta Wijaya(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Science and religion, in their early development, came from
the same resources and had the same purpose—human survival in
the universe. However, gradually, science separate from religion
after it found some method that made it established as the
discipline. Now, science is really different from religion in many
aspects, among other things: rationality, method, purpose, and the
way in which they see realities. God was excluded from the
science. Religious argument does not sufficient for science.
Although they different, it does not mean that they have no a
meeting point in human civilization. Science, to a certain extent, is
able to make religious understanding more rational and openminded.

So also religion, to a certain extent, is able to make
science more near to its purpose, as it determined before—to make
human being survive and happy in the universe. Therefore, science
and religion are complementary to one another.   


science, religion, philosophy of science.

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