Hubungan Dzikir dengan Pengaturan Pernafasan dalam Pustaka Centhini

Muzairi Muzairi(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Centhini is one of the suluk literatures; its main doctrine is
to reach the “perfect of life”, that is the unity of human being and
God. The ways to reach the “perfect of life” by syariat, tarekat,
hakikat, and ma’rifat as them said by Seh Amongraga does not a
something new, because of which has been dealt with in the
primbon that came from XVI century and Hamzah Fansuri. Salat
and dzikir and breath-ordering in Centhini are the means for
human beings to get unity to God. It appears that dzikir in the
connection to breath-ordering is an indication of universal way in
mysticism that be able find out in all religions. Double function of
Seh Amongraga who gave by authors essentially has a mission to
make harmony of religion and Javanese tradition, that is the
tradition of Seh Siti Jenar, Sunan Panggung, Ki Bebeluk, and Seh
Amongraga with Islam that purely legalistic.


Centhini, breath-ordering, dzikir, Seh Amongraga

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