Comparative Analysis of Brushless Motor Performance Using Experimental Methods

  • Erwan Eko Prasetiyo STTKD
  • Wahyuni Fajar Arum Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan
Keywords: Brushless Motor, UAV, Experiment, Analysis, Comparison


Energy-saving effort is a challenge in designing a UAV technology. One of many UAV components on the market is brushless motor. There is a possibility that the UAV component's performance does not match the existing specification data. Therefore, it is necessary to do component testing before designing a UAV. This paper presents the results of performance testing of brushless motors types A2212(6T), MR2205, and MT2204. Brushless motor performance is seen based on the amount of thrust, power, and the ratio between thrust to power (N/W). This testing uses an experimental method. The test uses a four-blade propeller type 5140 and a power supply with a DC output capacity of 15-30 V/50 A. The results of the brushless motor test at low power show that the A2212(6T)-2200KV type requires an average power of 25.858 W with a ratio of 0.042 N/W, the MR2205-2300KV type requires an average power of 22.166 W with a ratio of 0.052 N/W, and the MT2204-2300KV type requires an average power of 24.675 W with a ratio of 0.047 N/W. Based on the test data at working current below 1.877 A, it can be seen that the brushless motor type MR2205-2300KV has the best performance because it requires the least power and has the highest ratio value, compared to the other types.


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How to Cite
Prasetiyo, E. E., & Wahyuni Fajar Arum. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Brushless Motor Performance Using Experimental Methods. Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro Dan Teknologi Informasi, 10(1), 71-76.