Evaluation of modified feeding at Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar

  • Gusti Ayu Nyoman Hariani Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: food intake; nutritional status; modified foods.


Objective: This study determines the intake of food and changes in modified food's nutritional status at Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar.

Methods: This cross-sectional study used design and non-randomized purposive sampling technique in 76 inpatients in the first, second, and third classes for three months. Food intake, including energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake, was calculated from measuring leftovers using the visual Comstock method. Nutritional status was determined by Body Mass Index (BMI) indicator by dividing body weight in kilograms by height in square meters. Statistical analysis used the Shapiro Wilk data normality test, the non-parametric test chi-square test, and the spearman rank correlation test.

Results: There were significant relationship between modified food intake and nutritional status with the value of (p<0.05), including energy intake (p=0.000; r=0,4583), protein intake (p=0.0002; r=0,4126), and carbohydrates (p=0.000; r=0,4552) and also positive correlation with strong relationship (r>0.40), except in fat intake had an insignificant relationship of modified food with nutritional status (p=0.0824; r=0,2005;). Patients with lack intake of modified food would experience a decrease in nutritional status.

Conclusions: The modified food intake is related to the nutritional status of hospitalized patients.

How to Cite
Hariani, G. A. N. (2021). Evaluation of modified feeding at Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar. BKM Public Health and Community Medicine. Retrieved from https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/v3/BKM/article/view/1561
Public health nutrition