Malaise dan Lambang Kekayaan Ekonomi Penguasa Lokal di Palembang, 1929–1942

Dedi Irwanto(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
economic conditions. It focuses on the creation of emblems of symbolic power in its political and economic manifestations. The emblems of economic wealth is seen as a symbol. As a symbol, this emblem represented meanings with several important functions, not merely as material collection, but also through a sociocultural lense; as the effort to create and contest with its peers or as an asimilative or adaptive process and a process of resistance to other groups that are ‘above’ its structure. The symbolic emblems of local power changed during the depression era of 1929. In a period where significant amount of wealth was lost, theuluan Palembang bucked the trend and appeared as new money (orang kaya baru) with all their new atributes of wealth.
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Circulaire Residen Palembang No. 326
Ind. Staatsblad No. 109 tahun 1827
Ind. Staatsblad No. 2 tahun 1855
Ind. Staatsblad No. 329 tahun 1903
Ind. Staatsblad No. 420 tahun 1916
Ind. Staatsblad No. 814 tahun 1919
Undang-undang Simbur Cahaya
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