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Author Guidelines

General Requirements

  1. Editorial Board will only consider articles that have been prepared according to writing rules as instructed in Author Guidelines.
  2. Article shall never have been published and/or accepted for publication in any journal. The Writer is responsible for the originality, authenticity, and copyrights of the article, including but not limited to maps, illustrations, and graphics.
  3. The article is written in English or Bahasa Indonesia. Author should ensure that the writing style is based on the standard of the language chosen. For article in Bahasa Indonesia, it must follow the Ejaan yang Disempurnakan (EYD) format and for article in English, it must follow the standard of the United States.
  4. Article consists of 4,000-7,000 words including footnotes and bibliography. For book review, the text should be less than 4,000 words (footnotes and bibliography included). Books selected by book review must be published within the last two years.
  5. For film review, the text should be less than 4,000 words including footnote and bibliography. Films selected by film review must documentary film or film that tells about history. Film can be analyzed from historical aspects, collective memory, and the contexts of society (social, political, economic, cultural) in film settings.
  6. Article must be submitted in .doc/.docx format using Times New Roman 12 pt and 1.5 spaces.
  7. All pages of the article should be numbered and the paragraph should be justified.
  8. All references use body note. Footnotes are only allowed for additional information.
  9. All references should be included in the bibliography. We strongly recommend authors use reference tools, such as ZoteroMendeleyEndnote, etc.
  10. Do not write author’s name in any part of the article (Lembaran Sejarah has already applied double-blind review in the review process).
  11. Article structure:
  • Title. 12 words maximum
  • Abstract. 250 words (maximum) written in English and Bahasa Indonesia, enclosing research objectives, methodologies, and results.
  • Keywords. 3-7 words
  • Introduction. research background and problems
  • Substance. every reference must be written
  • Conclusion. explanation of problems delivered in introduction
  • Bibliography. refers to the examples below

Size of photo or map is at least 800 x 600 pixels.

Names of people should be written as the original. Indonesian names like Soeharto should  be written so even though EYD rules demand Suharto. However, place names must follow the latest spelling settings. In Bahasa Indonesia, Jambi should be used instead of Djambi or Surabaya instead of Soerabaja.

Italic Words
Non-Indonesian words in Bahasa Indonesia article and non-English words in English article must be italicized. At the first use in the article, non-Bahasa Indonesia and non-English words must be enclosed with their meanings.

Body Note
Information in the bracket includes family name of the author, year of publication and referred page.

(Kuntowijoyo, 2005: 102), (Allen & Donnithorne, 1962: 222-3), (Agustono & Arma, in: Suwignyo, Wahid & Ningsih [peny.], 2011: 43).

For reference from printed media or periodical references, the citation format in bodynote is as follow:

(Kompas, 12 July 1978: 2) and (Staatsblad van Nederlandsch Indië, 33/1948: 3).

Archive must be placed in footnote as follow:

'Opgaaf der bevolking der Moluksche eilanden 1840', National Archief (NA), Den Haag, Ministrie van Kolonialien, 3089.
'Joint Communique of Prime Ministers of Burma, Ceylon, India, Indonesia and Pakistan', National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), Jakarta, Archive of Inventory L.N. Palar 1928-1981, No. 289.

Please use abbreviation such as NA, ANRI and ISSH for the later footnotes if the passage referred the same institution.

Article from electronic media is written as follow:
Example: (accessed 10-12-2016).

Reference contains all sources that have been referred throughout the article and is organized by category and alphabetical. 

Unpublished Archives
National Archief, Den Haag, The Netherlands
            Ministrie van Kolonialen
            Commisariaat voor Indische Zaken
Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
            L.N. Palar 1928-1981
            Kabinet Presiden 1950-1959

Magazines and Newspapers
Kompas, 1 Maret 1967.
Selompret Melajoe, No. 87, 21 Juli 1900.

Journal Article
Nordholt, Henk Schulte (2011). ‘Indonesia in the 1950s. Nation, Modernity, and the Post-colonial State’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 167, 4: 386-404.
Thee Kian Wie (2005). ‘Indonesia’s First Affirmative Policy. The “Benteng” Program in the 1950s’, Lembaran Sejarah 8, 2: 33-45.

Lindsay, Jennifer & Maya H.T. Liem (eds) (2011). Menjadi Ahli Waris Budaya Dunia. Jakarta & Denpasar: KITLV & Pustaka Larasan.
Sartono Kartodirdjo (1973). Protest Movement in Rural Java. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press.

Articles in Book
Foulcher, Keith (2011). ‘Membawa Pulang Dunia. Lalu Lintas Budaya dalam “Konfrontasi” 1954-1960’, dalam Jennifer Lindsay and Maya H.T. Liem (eds). Menjadi Ahli Waris Budaya Dunia. Jakarta & Denpasar: KITLV & Pustaka Larasan, hlm. 31-60.

Disertation and Thesis
Dewi Yuliati (2005). Dinamika Pergerakan Buruh di Semarang, 1908-1926. Disertasi. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  4. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

By publishing articles in the Lembaran Sejarah, author(s) agree to transmit the publication right to Lembaran Sejarah under the Creative Commons. Thus, you are allowed to access, copy, transform and redistribute the articles under any lawful purposes by giving prope cfredit to the original author(s) and Lembaran Sejarah as well.

Lembaran Sejarah uphold the rights to store, convert or reformat media, manage within its database, maintain and publish article without the consent of the author with full acknowledgement of author rights as copyright owner.

The article is published in print and electronic form. The electronic form is open access for
the purpose of education and research.


Privacy Statement

The names, email addresses, and affiliations entered into the Lembaran Sejarah website are used exclusively for the purposes of providing readers professional access to the authors whose articles are published by the journal. No other information is collected, and none of the aforementioned information is shared with a third party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are NOT required to pay any Article Submission Fee. Article submissions to Lembaran Sejarah are totally free of charge.

Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)

NO Article Publication Fee will be charged for publications costs. Article publication in Lembaran Sejarah is also totally free of charge.