Lembaran Sejarah is a bilingual academic and peer-reviewed journal on Indonesian and regional history of Southeast Asia. It is part of a long tradition of journal publication of the Department of History at Universitas Gadjah Mada from the 1960s. The journal embraces articles on Indonesian history and historiography and comparative studies that places Indonesian history within local, regional and global contexts. We welcome researchers from any background fields to submit their research articles, book and film reviews in accordance with the journal focus and scope in English and Indonesian. Lembaran Sejarah is collaborating with PPSI (Perkumpulan Prodi Sejarah Se-Indonesia) in terms of potential reviewers and manuscript submissions. Lembaran Sejarah is currently accredited at Sinta 3 of Arjuna (Indonesian Indexing Journal).
For more information on article form, consult the author guideline.
Vol 20, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Lembaran Sejarah dan Indeksasi Digital
Agus Suwignyo
Muhammad Fachrizal Hamdani, Yulia Rohmawati, Reni Putri Nurhidayati
Nur Fadilah Yusuf
Suparmi Suparmi
Sitti Suraiyah Suraiyah, Rizal Zamzami Zamzami
Uli Kozok
Book Review
Sensor Atas Nama Kedamaian: Menyensor Terbitan di Indonesia Masa Kolonial
Muhammad Rizky Pradana