Karakteristik Surel Bisnis Berbahasa Korea


Alfiana Amrin Rosyadi(1*)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


With the increasing number of Korean companies that are doing business in Indonesia, it should be balanced by providing workers who have the ability of understanding business in Korean. One of the required skills is the ability to write a business email. Despite the high demands for researches and books about Korean business, especially on topic of business email in Korea, this has not been considered an important topic in Korean language. Therefore, this research aims to discover and show the characteristics of business email in Korean by dividing it into structural, language, and cultural categories. To obtain the answer, this research has collected 30 emails from a Korean language teaching institution and a Korean manufacturing company. Based on the results, some points have been discussed. First, Korean business email has characteristics based on three categories of business emails. Second, it is also interesting to find out the difference between the language institute and manufacturing company regarding their business fields. These differences must be understood by Korean language learners who want to work in Korean companies in Indonesia or Korea to avoid misunderstanding. 


business email, characteristic, Korean language

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jla.57448

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