Pemakaian Kata Sapaan (Taishoushi) di Dunia Kerja Perhotelan: Analisis Percakapan Drama TV dan Film Jepang

Dyah Martanti Indah Pratiwi(1*)
(1) Techno Ryowa., Ltd Representative Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Address term (taishoushi) is a word or a group of words used to refer to the interlocutor. Address terms used in hotels, especially five star western hotels, have special characteristic in addressing guests and also other employees. There are many factors which make speaker uses various kinds of address terms. This research aims to describe those factors. The object of this research is address term used as a term of address, that is address term used to appoint interlocutor which it cannot become an utterance without other words. In other word, term of address is a part of an uttered sentence. This research data were collected from Japanese TV dramas and movie about working life in five-star hotels in Tokyo. Those are Hotelier (2007), Hotel Concierge (2015), and The Uchouten Hotel (2006). The data were collected by conducting note-taking technique to transcript the dialogue where the address term belongs to. Then, the data were classified based on speech components: setting and scene, participant, and end. In analyzing the data, there are some factors to be considered. Those are interlocutor’s response, act, key, and norms. Factors in classifying participants are distance, including uchi (in-group) and soto (out-group), power, and gender. Based on the participant’s relation, some social factors to determine address term are power, social distance, and gender. Situational factors may also make a speaker switches the code in using address term.
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