Journal History

Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas (Clinical and Community Nursing Journal) was published in 2017, as a renewal version of the Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan (JIK). The JIK’s first issue was in 2006 and it had published 4 volumes and 12 issues on printed journal until 2010. Since then, the JIK had no longer published journal article and it has been reformed into Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas (Clinical and Community Nursing Journal).

Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas (Clinical and Community Nursing Journal) is a peer-reviewed scientific open access journal, published by Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan, Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat, dan Keperawatan, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The journal publishes articles three times a year in March, July, and November. 

In 2017, the first issue, volume 1 (1) was published, consisted eight articles. The issue did not used Open Journal System (OJS) and it was published in a printed version. The articles presented on the OJS were only in galey form. Since volume 1(2), the Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas (Clinical and Community Nursing Journal) consistently issue six articles per volume. 

The Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas (Clinical and Community Nursing Journal) fully migrated to the OJS in July 2017. By this system, authors have to register, log in, submit, and edit their manuscripts through OJS. However, the Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas (Clinical and Community Nursing Journal) was not published in 2018. Commencing from 2019, the journal has been filling up the hiatus time by issuing articles that were on hold. Since volume 5, the Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas (Clinical and Community Nursing Journal) has been admitting literature review and case study articles and has activated the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The journal has also been improving its quality by employing more external peer reviewer, touching up the interface of its OJS (adding copyright and journal menus), revising articles’ template (adding ISSN, URL, DOI, articles’ history and copyright), improving peer review process and author’s guideline. Volume 6(2) has become a milestone for the journal in applying a stricter double-blind review and employing more external editors.

In 2024, the Jurnal Keperawatan Klinis dan Komunitas (Clinical and Community Nursing Journal) established a collaborative agreement with the Dewan Pengurus Wilayah Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DPW PPNI DIY).