Tiwuk Windari(1*)

(1) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Palangkaraya
(*) Corresponding Author


Androgenesis, biotechnology involving the production of the whole individual chromosomes that derived from the male brood stock as efforts to meet the quality of brood stock fulfillment. Androgenesis involves two phases, the inactivation of the genetic material of eggs, can be irradiated using ultraviolet (uv) rays and diploidization of zygote stage using heat shock at 40oC. The study reported androgenesis of shark minnow fish through two stages of various doses of UV inactivation, followed by the diploidization at various lengths of times of heat shock at 40oC after fertilization. Objectives of the research were to determine: (1) the effectiveness of inactivation of TUV 254 nm phillips 15 watt with 15 cm distance using various time of irradiation (as the dose) i.e: 1, 3, or 5 minutes at shark minnow fish and 2) the effectiveness of diploidization by heat shock at 40oC for 90 seconds at the various of time i.e: 15. 20 or 25 minutes after fertilization. This experimental study was complete randomized block design, consisting of 13 treatment, i.e: 9 treatment androgenesis using UV irradiation (1, 3 or 5 minute) and then followed by heat shock at 15, 20 or 25 minutes after fertilization (A1 - A9), and 4 treatment as a control that consisting of 1 positive control, ie, without irradiation and without heat shock (K0) and 3 negative controls were irradiated but not heat shock (K1, K2, K3). Variables that be observed are the eggs fertilization, the degree of hatching, the percentage of haploid larvae, the percentage of juvenile survival rate after 28 days of culture. Data were analyzed with one way of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS version 16.0 of Windows Software. The results showed that the UV irradiation dose was effectively activating the genetic material of shark minnow fish, where the most effective treatment was at 5 minutes (9916 J/m2). It proved that heat shock at 40°C for 90 seconds was effective to prevent the first embryonic mitosis diploid androgenesis of shark minnow fish and the most effective treatment was A9 with irradiation for 5 minute and heat shock at 40°C for 90 seconds at 25 minutes after fertilization.


androgenesis, haploid larvae, heat shock, UV irradiation, shark minnow fi sh eggs

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