
Issue Title
Vol 22, No 1 (2020) Protective Effect of Microbubble Aeration and Dietary Probiotics BALSS on Survival and Immunity of White Leg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Postlarvae against Acute Low Salinity Stress Abstract  PDF
Shima Bhaskara Ayuningrum, Indah Istiqomah, Rustadi Rustadi, Bambang Triyatmo, Alim Isnansetyo, Wiratni Budhijanto, Deendarlianto Deendarlianto
Vol 26, No 2 (2024) Agarolytic Bacillus sp. FRAgK1 Screened from Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) Thallus as Probiotic Candidate for Abalone Abstract
Faisal Zain Abdullah, Indah Istiqomah, Alim Isnansetyo, Ngurah Sedana Yasa, Norshida Ismail
Vol 20, No 1 (2018) Application of Probiotic and Fermented Feed in the Nursery of Anguilla bicolor Abstract  PDF
Agoes Soeprijanto, Guntur Guntur, Muhammad Fakhri
Vol 8, No 2 (2006) Pengaruh Suplementasi Probiotik A3-51 terhadap Derajat Imunitas Oreochromis niloticus Didasarkan pada Angka Kuman pada Ginjal Setelah Uji Tantang dengan Aeromonas hydrophila dan Aeromonas salmonicida achromogenes Abstract  Full Article (PDF)
Agus Irianto, Hernayanti Hernayanti, Ning Iriyanti
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