Issue |
Title |
Vol 22, No 1 (2020) |
Protective Effect of Microbubble Aeration and Dietary Probiotics BALSS on Survival and Immunity of White Leg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Postlarvae against Acute Low Salinity Stress |
Shima Bhaskara Ayuningrum, Indah Istiqomah, Rustadi Rustadi, Bambang Triyatmo, Alim Isnansetyo, Wiratni Budhijanto, Deendarlianto Deendarlianto |
Vol 26, No 2 (2024) |
Agarolytic Bacillus sp. FRAgK1 Screened from Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) Thallus as Probiotic Candidate for Abalone |
Faisal Zain Abdullah, Indah Istiqomah, Alim Isnansetyo, Ngurah Sedana Yasa, Norshida Ismail |
Vol 20, No 1 (2018) |
Application of Probiotic and Fermented Feed in the Nursery of Anguilla bicolor |
Agoes Soeprijanto, Guntur Guntur, Muhammad Fakhri |
Vol 8, No 2 (2006) |
Pengaruh Suplementasi Probiotik A3-51 terhadap Derajat Imunitas Oreochromis niloticus Didasarkan pada Angka Kuman pada Ginjal Setelah Uji Tantang dengan Aeromonas hydrophila dan Aeromonas salmonicida achromogenes |
Full Article (PDF)
Agus Irianto, Hernayanti Hernayanti, Ning Iriyanti |
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