Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystem in Coastal Village Based on Co-Management

Rudianto Rudianto(1*)

(1) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang.
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of the research was to reorder the mangrove ecosystem restoration of coastal villages in order to overcome the damage coastal environments that have been damaged as a result of changes in land use. Data collection was done by using questionnaires and interviews with stakeholders. The study was conducted for three years from 2013 until 2016 with locations in Gresik and Malang districts. Data analysis was done by Partial Least Square and Analytical Hierarchy Process method to find out the priority order of restoration of the coastal ecosystem. In addition to SWOT analysis was conducted to determine the institutional capacity of the village and which would be responsible for restoring coastal ecosystems. The results show that the order of handling on coastal ecosystem damage was firstly mangrove forest, secondly coral reef, thirdly estuary area and fourthly seagrass area. Institutions responsible for handling the level of damage to coastal ecosystems was a village government, which was supported by the regional work units (SKPD) at the district level. Besides that, the role of government, private and community became the key to success on the successful implementation of restoration. Technical manual implementation of Coastal Ecosystem restoration-based co-management was necessary for the restoration of coastal ecosystems.


Coastal; collaborative management; ecosystem; restoration

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