(1) Perum BULOG (2) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada (3) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada (*) Corresponding Author
The aims of this research were: (1) to describe the society motivation in developing the Malam Mangoes farm; (2) to describe kinds of Malam Mangoes farm development; (3) to identify the community powerfulness in developing the Malam Mangoesfarm during three years (2004-2006); and (4) to identify the correlation between outsiders and insiders contribution in developing the Malam Mangoesfarm. The research took 60 samples, which all of them were mango farmer in Watugajah village. The statistic method usedfor analyzing was Bivariate correlation. Thefinding indicated that: (1) motivation among society in developing the Malam Mangoes farm in Watugajah was an existence motivation; (2) the development of Malam Mangoes farm was done by government and society; (3) community powerfulness was highly performed in all activities, i.e. production, marketing, social system and ecological activities, by more than 50%people during three years (2004-2006) in Watugajah with. score obtained was 71.44%; (4) government and extension ··worker contribution have a significant influence in empowerment process. In empowerment process when the government and extension worker contribution was high, a society contribution would low. This situation happened because the community became more dependence.
community empowerment, community powerfulness, motivation, outsiders contribution