Journal History

The Agro Ekonomi was initiated by Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada in year, 1978. The journal has frequently published two issues in a year (June and December).

Since 2016, AE has been registered with ISSN 2541-1616 (Online) and CrossRef thus articles that are published in Volume 27 No. 1 and forward hold Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. The current editor in chief of Agro Ekonomi is Prof. Masyhuri with the editorial team, namely Prof. Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto, Prof. Irham, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunarru Samsi Hariadi, Prof. Endang, Subejo, Ph.D, Dr. Amzul Rifin and Agus Dwi Nugroho, M.Sc.

The office of Agro Ekonomi is located at Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Flora, Caturtunggal, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. 55281

Currently, AE is indexed by both national and international recognized institutions such as: Google Scholar (International), Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD - National), Science and Technology Index (SINTA - National), Garuda (National), Indonesia One Search (National), Dimensions, and DOAJ.

Based on the Decree of the General Director of Strengthening the Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 21 / E / KPT/ 2018, Agro Ekonomi was declared as an Accredited Scientific Journal with category “Sinta 2” from Volume 27 Number 1 Tahun 2016 until Volume 31 Number 2 Tahun 2020.

Before July 2018, the template for submission was about 20 pages. Then, the structure is recently changed from 8 to 10 pages for each article. Furthermore, the number of articles published per issue was shifted from 10 papers to 5-15 papers.

At 2020, Based on the Decree of the General Director of Strengthening the Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 200 / M / KPT/ 2020, Agro Ekonomi was declared as an Accredited Scientific Journal with category “Sinta 2” from Volume 31 Number 1 Tahun 2020 until Volume 35 Number 2 Tahun 2024.