Optimizing Coral Fish Detection: Faster R-CNN, SSD MobileNet, YOLOv5 Comparison


Syifa Afnani Santoso(1*), Indra Jaya(2), Karlisa Priandana(3)

(1) IPB University
(2) IPB University
(3) IPB University
(*) Corresponding Author


This study underscores the critical role of accurate Chaetodontidae fish abundance observations, particularly in assessing coral reef health. By integrating deep learning algorithms (Faster R-CNN, SSD-MobileNet, and YOLOv5) into Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), the research aims to expedite fish identification in aquatic environments. Evaluating the algorithms, YOLOv5 emerges with the highest accuracy, followed by Faster R-CNN and SSD-MobileNet. Despite this, SSD-MobileNet showcases superior computational speed with a mean average precision (mAP) of around 92.21% and a framerate of about 1.24 fps. Furthermore, employing the Coral USB Accelerator enhances computational speed on the Raspberry Pi 4, enabling real-time detection capabilities. This study incorporates centroid tracking, facilitating accurate counting by assigning unique IDs to identified objects per class. Ultimately, the real-time implementation of the system achieves 87.18% accuracy and 87.54% precision at 30 fps, empowering AUVs to conduct real-time fish detection and tracking, thereby significantly contributing to underwater research and conservation efforts.


Object detection; Faster R-CNN; SSD MobileNet; YOLOv5; Centroid tracking

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijccs.95011

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