SCOPUS Citation Analysis

Source: SCOPUS Database
Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems (IJCCS) is cited at least 20 times at Scopus database

Citation detail:

  • 2017 <2>
  • 2016 <1>
  • 2015 <1>
  • 2014 <3>
  • 2013 <1>
  • 2012 <9>
  • 2011 <3>

Last Update November 21, 2017, 14:10 PM GMT+7 | First published in 2006

1. Priadana A, Harjoko A. Deteksi perubahan citra pada video menggunakan illumination invariant change detection. IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) [Internet]. 2017;11(1):89-98. Available from:

  1. Harjoko A, Awaludin L, Hujja RM. The flow rate of debris estimation on the Sabo Dam area with video processing. In: Proceedings - International Conference on Signals and Systems, ICSigSys 2017 [Internet]; 20172017. p. 57-61.Available from: DOI: 10.1109/ICSIGSYS.2017.7967069
  2. Harjoko A, Hujja RM, Awaludin L. Low-cost 3D surface reconstruction using Stereo camera for small object. In: Proceedings - International Conference on Signals and Systems, ICSigSys 2017 [Internet]; 20172017. p. 285-9.Available from: DOI: 10.1109/ICSIGSYS.2017.7967057

2. Admojo FT, Winarko E. Sistem pencarian informasi berbasis ontologi untuk jalur pendakian gunung menggunakan query bahasa alami dengan penyajian peta interaktif. IJCCS (Indonesian J.Comput.Cybern.Syst. [Internet]. 2016;10(1):23-34. Available from:

  1. Kusumaningtyas K, Mustofa K. Semantic search with rule reasoning for scholarship information search. In: Proceeding - 2017 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology-Computer, ICST 2017 [Internet]; 20172017. p. 147-52.Available from: DOI: 10.1109/ICSTC.2017.8011869

3. Suhendra C, Wardoyo R. Penentuan arsitektur jaringan syaraf tiruan backpropagation (bobot awal dan bias awal) menggunakan algoritma genetika. IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) [Internet]. 2015;9(1):77-88. Available from:

  1. Nugroho ED, Wibowo ME, Pulungan R. Parallel implementation of genetic algorithm for searching optimal parameters of artificial neural networks. In: Proceeding - 2017 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology-Computer, ICST 2017 [Internet]; 20172017. p. 136-41.Available from: DOI: 10.1109/ICSTC.2017.8011867

4. Indra, Subanar Z. Optimasi biaya distribusi rantai pasok tiga tingkat dengan menggunakan algoritma genetika adaptif dan terdistribusi (optimization of supply chain distribution costs three levels using adaptive genetic algorithm and distributed). IJCCS [Internet]. 2014;8(2):189-200. Available from:

  1. Sarwani MZ, Rahmi A, Mahmudy WF. An adaptive genetic algorithm for cost optimization of multi-stage supply chain. J Telecommun Electron Comput Eng [Internet]. 2017;9(2-7):155-60. Available from:

5. Nugraha, H. G., and A. Sn. "Optimasi Bobot Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Mengunakan Particle Swarm Optimization." Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems (IJCCS) 8.1 (2014): 25-36. SCOPUS. Web. 3 Mar. 2017.

  1. LAYONA, R., SUHARJITO, TUNARDI, Y. and TANOTO, D.F., 2016. Optimization of land suitability for food crops using neural network and swarm optimization algorithm. International Review on Computers and Software, 11(1), pp. 1-7.

6. Putranti, N. D., and E. Winarko. "Analisis Sentimen Twitter Untuk Teks Berbahasa Indonesia Dengan Maximum Entropy Dan Support Vector Machine." IJCCS 8.1 (2014): 91-101. SCOPUS. Web. 3 Mar. 2017.

  1. SETYANUGRAHA, D. and PURWARIANTI, A., 2016. Development of sentiment classification system for Indonesian public policy tweet, Proceeding - 2015 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and Its Applications: Emerging Trends in the Era of Internet of Things, IC3INA 2015 2016, pp. 1-5.

7. Budianita, E., and W. Prijodiprodjo. "Application of Learning Vector Quantization (Lvq) for Kids Nutritional Status Classification." IJCCS 7.2 (2013)SCOPUS. Web. 3 Mar. 2017.

  1. HAERANI, E., APRIYANTI, L. and WARDHANI, L.K., 2016. Application of unsupervised K Nearest Neighbor (UNN) and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) methods in predicting Rupiah to Dollar, Proceedings of 2016 4th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management, CITSM 2016 2016.

8. Rodiyansyah, S. F., and E. Winarko. "Klasifikasi Posting Twitter Kemacetan Lalu Lintas Kota Bandung Menggunakan Naive Bayesian Classification." IJCCS-Indones.J.Comput.Cybern.Syst, vol. 7, no. 1, 2013, pp. 13-22, SCOPUS,

  1. Kurniawan, D. A., Wibirama, S., & Setiawan, N. A. (2017). Real-time traffic classification with twitter data mining. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 2016 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering: Empowering Technology for Better Future, ICITEE 2016, doi:10.1109/ICITEED.2016.7863251
  2. Purnamaningtyas E, Utami E. Implementation of K-nearest neighbor algorithm analysis in predicting regular hajj applicant failure. J Theor Appl Inf Technol [Internet]. 2017;95(20):5494-505. Available from:
  3. Yusra, Fikry M, Trilaksono BR, Yendra R, Fudholi A. Music interest classification of twitter users using support vector machine. J Theor Appl Inf Technol [Internet]. 2017;95(11):2352-8. Available from:

9. Abriyono, and A. Harjoko. "Pengenalan Ucapan Suku Kata Bahasa Lisan Menggunakan Ciri LPC, MFCC, Dan JST." IJCCS, vol. 6, no. 2, 2012, pp. 23-34, SCOPUS,

  1. Kristomo, D., R. Hidayat, and I. Soesanti. Feature Extraction and Classification of the Indonesian Syllables using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Statistical Features, 2017, SCOPUS,, doi:10.1109/ICSTC.2016.7877353.
  2. Rajagede RA, Dewa CK, Afiahayati. Recognizing Arabic letter utterance using convolutional neural network. In: Proceedings - 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2017 [Internet]; 20172017. p. 181-6.Available from: DOI: 10.1109/SNPD.2017.8022720

10. Hansun, S. "Peramalan Data IHSG Menggunakan Fuzzy Time Series." Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetic Systems (IJCCS) 6.2 (2012): 79-88. SCOPUS. Web. 3 Mar. 2017.

  1. RACHMAWATI, R.N., GAMALITA, A., SUHARTONO, D. and SALIM, A., 2015. FTMC web application for JCI prediction. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 98(7), pp. 797-818.
  2. ALI, A., LI, W. and HE, X., 2015. Simple Moving Voltage Average Incremental Conductance MPPT Technique with Direct Control Method under Nonuniform Solar Irradiance Conditions. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2015.
  3. HANSUN, S., 2013. A new approach of moving average method in time series analysis, 2013 International Conference on New Media Studies, CoNMedia 2013 2013.
  4. HANSUN, S., 2013. Jakarta Stock Exchange (JKSE) forecasting using fuzzy time series, Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Robotics, Biomimetics, Intelligent Computational Systems, ROBIONETICS 2013 2013, pp. 130-134.

11. Zaman, B., Winarko, E. Analisis Fitur Kalimat untuk Peringkas Teks Otomatis pada Bahasa Indonesia (2011) IJCCS, 5 (2), pp. 60-68. Juli, 2011. SCOPUS. Web. 21 Nov. 2017.

  1. Fatmawati T, Zaman B, Werdiningsih I. Implementation of the common phrase index method on the phrase query for information retrieval. In: AIP Conference Proceedings [Internet]; 20172017Available from: DOI: 10.1063/1.4994430

12. Jamila, and S. Hartati. "Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihansubkontrak Menggunakan Metode Entropy Dan TOPSIS." IJCCS 5.2 (2011): 12-9. SCOPUS. Web. 3 Mar. 2017.

  1. UNIKASARI, F., IFTADI, I., JAUHARI, W.A. and DANARDONO, D., 2013. Study of the factors that affecting automobile seat comfort, Proceedings of the 2013 Joint International Conference on Rural Information and Communication Technology and Electric-Vehicle Technology, rICT and ICEV-T 2013 2013.

13. Retno, Y., and A. Harjoko. "Reversible Watermarking Dengan Metode Modifikasi Histogram Pada Difference Image." IJCCS-Indonesian J.Comput.Cybern.Syst. 5.2 (2011)SCOPUS. Web. 3 Mar. 2017.

  1. ARHAM, A., NUGROHO, H.A. and ADJI, T.B., 2017. Multiple layer data hiding scheme based on difference expansion of quad. Signal Processing, 137, pp. 52-62.