Application of the Weighted Product Method in a Decision Support System to Determine Children's Multiple Intelligence

Yuliana Astiti Fonga Wea Tae(1*), Rambu Yetti Kalaway(2), Pingky Alfa Ray Leo Lede(3)

(1) Faculty of Science and Technology,Wira Wacana Christian University, Waingapu
(2) Faculty of Science and Technology,Wira Wacana Christian University, Waingapu
(3) Faculty of Science and Technology,Wira Wacana Christian University, Waingapu
(*) Corresponding Author


Intelligence cannot solely be measured in terms of intellectual intelligence. There are various types of intelligence in children, which cause teachers and parents require time to determine the type of intelligence of children. Quick and easy decision-making can be achieved using a decision support system. One method that can be adopted in the decision-making process of a decision support system is the weighted product method. This study aims to measure the level of accuracy of the weighted product method in determining the type of multiple intelligence of children. The decision support system determines the type of intelligence of children in early childhood (ages 4-6 years) using Garner's [1] eight types of multiple intelligences as decision-making criteria. The data was collected using interviews and questionnaires to the teachers of Mutiara State Kindergarten. The study found that a decision support system using the weighted product method can determine the type of children's multiple intelligences with an accuracy rate of 96%. Based on the result of analysis and calculation using the weighted product method from test questionnaire data of 55 children, compared to the results of identification by the teacher, it was found that the compatibility of 53 children.


Multiple Intelligence; Decision Support System; Weighted Product; Mutiara State Kindergarten; Gardner’s types of multiple intelligence

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