Implementation of Factor Analysis and BiClustering in Classifying Multidimensional Under-Five Poverty in East Nusa Tenggara

Rahmadathul Wisdawati(1), Rani Nooraeni(2*), Bagaskoro Cahyo Laksono(3), Bintang Izzatul Fatah(4)

(1) BPS-Statistics of Karimun Regency
(2) Polytechnic of Statistics STIS, East Jakarta
(3) Polytechnic of Statistics STIS, East Jakarta
(4) Polytechnic of Statistics STIS, East Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Under-five poverty is a condition where the needs of toodlers are not met, resulting in undernourished children and unable to reach their full potential in the social sphere. East Nusa Tenggara is a province that still faces the biggest nutritional problems in Indonesia in 2019. This study aims to explain the variables that form toodlers multidimensional poverty in East Nusa Tenggara (ENT), form the Multidimensional Under-Five Poverty Index (MUPI), and compare the results of index formed with the results of bicluster. Data source used in this study is SUSENAS KOR 2019. The analytical method used is a factor and bicluster analysis. The results shows that 11 multidimensional poverty indicators form three dimensions, namely the Adequate Food and Beverage Facility Factor, Health Protection Factor, and Housing and Nutrition Factor, which is used to form the index. Based on regional grouping, there are five areas with low MUPI scores, fourteen areas with medium MUPI scores, and three areas with high MUPI scores. However, biclustering results show that there are two areas with low poverty category, thirteen regions with moderate poverty category, and seven regions with high poverty category. The result of the comparison of MUPI grouping with the biclustering method obtained different results based on the composition of the resulting area.


Under-five poverty; Factor Analysis; BiClustering

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