Digitalization On Students Scoring System of SMPN 18 Bekasi

Fesa Asy Syifa Nurul Haq(1*), Nuryuliani Nuryuliani(2)
(1) Master Program of Technology and Engineering, Universitas Gunadarma, Jakarta
(2) Universitas Gunadarma, Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Information technology has been supporting the development of school services in the world. But there are still many schools does not using the information technology at all - specially in Indonesia, for example at SMPN 18 Bekasi. As usually like another school they only using Ms. Word and Ms. Excel applications. That is make many differences output in format scoring and mistakes while filling score on the students report format. The application of academic information system in this research have developed using PHP, HTML and MySQL as programming language. It named SIADHEL, means Eighteen Academic Information System (Sistem Informasi Akademik Delapan Belas) . The aims of this project is to provide a good tools for students or their parents to receive the exactly, fast and accurate informations of their students scoring. Teachers can use an integrated and accurate tools as facility to provide data for the Principal to make new policies. This application could be opened by every browser platform, so it will make easier for the users to access the program wherever and anytime.
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