Parallelization of Hybrid Content Based and Collaborative Filtering Method in Recommendation System with Apache Spark

Rakhmad Ikhsanudin(1*), Edi Winarko(2)

(1) Master Program of Computer Science; FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Collaborative Filtering as a popular method that used for recommendation system. Improvisation is done in purpose of improving the accuracy of the recommendation. A way to do this is to combine with content based method. But the hybrid method has a lack in terms of scalability. The main aim of this research is to solve problem that faced by recommendation system with hybrid collaborative filtering and content based method by applying parallelization on the Apache Spark platform.Based on the test results, the value of hybrid collaborative filtering method and content based on Apache Spark cluster with 2 node worker is 1,003 which then increased to 2,913 on cluster having 4 node worker. The speedup got more increased to 5,85 on the cluster that containing 7 node worker.


recomendation system; hybrid content based and collaborative filtering method; Apache Spark

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