Peramalan KLBCampakMenggunakanGabunganMetode JST Backpropagationdan CART

Sulistyowati Sulistyowati(1*), Edi Winarko(2)
(*) Corresponding Author
Backpropagation neural network is one of the most commonly used methods for forecasting which can result in a better level of accuracy than other ANN methods. While the methods of CART is a binary tree method is also popular for the classification, which can produce models or classification rules.
Results of this study show that the number of the best window for backpropagation neural network to forecast the outcome affect forecasting accuracy. Determination of the number of windows of a backpropagation neural network forecasting on each attribute gives different results and directly affects the forecasting results. ANN can do the forecasting in time series using siliding window with accuracy 90.01% and then CART method can be use for classification with accuracy 83.33%.
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