Transformasi Skema Basis Data Relasional Menjadi Model Data Berorientasi Dokumen pada MongoDB

I Gede Winaya(1*), Ahmad Ashari(2)

(2) Jurusan Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


            MongoDB is a database that uses document-oriented data storage models. In fact, to  migrate from a relational database to NoSQL databases such as MongoDB is not an easy matter especially if the data are extremely complex. Based on the documentation that has been done by several global companies related to the use of MongoDB, it can be concluded that the process of migration from RDBMS to MongoDB require quite a long time. One process that takes quite a lot is transformation of relational database schema into a document-oriented data model on MongoDB.

            This research discusses the development transformation system of relational database schema to the document oriented data model in MongoDB. The process of transformation is done by utilizing the structure and relationships between tables in the scheme as the main parameters of the modeling algorithm. In the process of the modeling documents, it necessary to adjustments the specifications of MongoDB document that formed document model can be implemented in MongoDB.

            Document models are formed from transformation process can be a single document, embedded document, referenced document or combination of these. Document models are formed depending on the type, rules, and the value of the relationships cardinality between tables in the relational database schema.


MongoDB, relational database, document model, transformation

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