Perbandingan Properti Psikometris Skala Kesehatan Mental (SKM) antara Metode Administrasi Paper-and-Pencil dan Web-Based
For example, now we could present a test using computers rather than using printed
papers. This research compares the differences between the psychometric properties of a
paper-and-pencil test (PPT) and web-based test (WBT). This research used Skala Kesehatan
Mental (SKM) which was given to 544 junior and senior high-school grade school. The
scale has 32 items and administered with either paper or on a website. The result showed
that each method has a different but not significant psychometric properties. Compared to
PPT, WBT was able to deliver fewer cases of outliers and higher item-total correlation.
Reliability coefficient on both method were satisfying and able to stay unidimensional on
factor analysis. Item endorsability does not appear to have significant differences. More
research on this topic is needed to further examine the effect between each method on test
DOI: 10.22146/gamajpp.32317
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