Meraih Hidup Bermakna: Logoterapi untuk Menurunkan Depresi pada Perempuan Korban KDRT
trauma that may contribute in the emergence of depression symptoms. Depression is a
condition when individu losing their meaning of life. The intervention for making
meaningful life discovered by Viktor Frankl that named logotherapy. The purpose of this
study is to investigate the effectiveness of logotherapy in reducing depression for women
victims of domestic violence. One-group pretest-posttest design by using a double pretest
was applied. Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) and meaning in life scale as
manipulation check was used. The participants of this study are 6 womens. Logotherapy
was administered for 6 sessions in 3 weeks. The result of this study are similar with the
hypothesis showed where logotherapy significantly decreased depression in women victims
of domestic violence (F (r) = 9.333, p = .000). This study used logotherapy group, whereas
among participants have a chance to share their feelings and mutual enforcing for
meaningful life.
DOI: 10.22146/gamajpp.32315
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