Perbedaan Kecerdasan Emosional pada Mahasiswa yang Mengikuti UKM Musik dan Mahasiswa yang Mengikuti UKM Non-Musik

Annisa Aulia Putri, Haryanto Haryanto
(Submitted 29 May 2019)
(Published 29 May 2019)


The purpose of this research was to determine differences in emotional intelligence between students participating in music extracurricular activities with non-extracurricular students. This research used a quantitative method with the Emotional Intelligence Scale to measure the emotional intelligence. The hypothesis was that students participating in musical extracurricular activities showed higher emotional intelligence than students with non-musical extracurricular. Total participant of this study were 83 active student members of the extracurricular groups in Universitas Gadjah Mada. Independent T-test, found that there’s no significant difference between students from musical extracurricular than non-musical extracurricular(t = 1,443; p> .05. Finding does not support positive relationship between participation in music extracurricular activities and emotional intelligence.  


emotional intelligence; extracurricular; student

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DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.46358


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