Problematic Internet Use dan Prokrastinasi Akademik pada Mahasiswa

Annisa Risqi Anggunani, Budi Purwanto
(Submitted 26 April 2019)
(Published 14 May 2019)


This study aimed to find out the relationship between problematic internet use (PIU) and academic procrastination in college students. This study took place at faculty of psychology at a university with 190 students as the participants. The data were collected using Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) and Generalized Problematic Internet Use-2 (GPIUS2) that has been adapted in Bahasa. Hypothesis was analyzed using Pearson's product-moment correlation which showed that there was a positive correlation between problematic internet use and academic procrastination (r = 0.478; p = 0.000 (p<0.01). Further analysis showed that there was no degree of difference in problematic internet use and academic procrastination based on gender. Other than that, there was also a no degree of difference in academic procrastination based on the duration of internet usage in one day. Conversely, there was a different degree of problematic internet use based on the duration of internet usage in one day.


academic procrastination; college student; problematic internet use

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DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.45399


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