Hubungan antara Harga Diri dan Body Image dengan Online Self-Presentation pada Pengguna Instagram
This research departs from the results of previous studies in the field of
cyberspace, which shows differences in one's behavior when in the world of the internet
and in the real world. The Internet has now become the most widely used communication
tool. The purpose of this study is to see what psychological factors that affect a person
when behaving in the internet world. Subjects in this study were 389 users of Instagram
users who filled out the research questionnaire online. Measuring tool in this research is a
self-esteem scale, body image scale, and self-presentation online scale. While the analysis
method used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results showed that there is a
positive relationship between self-esteem and body image with online self-presentation.
Self-esteem and body image can predict self-presentation online with a significance level
of p <0.05. Effective contribution of self esteem and body image variable to self-
presentation online variable is 3.8%.
DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.36941
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