Peran Relasi Orang Tua-Anak dan Tekanan Teman Sebaya terhadap Kecenderungan Perilaku Pengambilan Risiko
Alsa, A. (2014). Pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif serta kombinasinya dalam penelitian psikologi. Cetakan V. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Badan Koordinasi Keluraga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN). (2011). Kajian profil penduduk remaja (10-24 tahun): Ada apa dengan remaja. Policy Brief Puslitbang Kependudukan. Retrieved from
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). (2012). Survei demografi dan kesehatan Indonesia 2012. Kesehatan Reproduksi remaja. Jakarta: Kementerian Kesehatan Jakarta. Retrieved from
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. (2015). Statistik politik dan keamanan Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik.
Baumrind, D., Larzele, R. E., & Owens, E. B. (2010). Effect of preschool parents’ power assertive patterns ang practise on adolescent development. Parenting Science and Practice, 10(3), 157-201.
Bonino, Cattelino, & Clairano,. (2005). Adolescents and risk, behavior, functions, and protective factors. Italia: Springer.
Burt, S.A., McGue, M., Lacono, W.G., & Krueger, R.F. (2006). Differential parent–childrelationships and adolescent externalizing symptoms: Cross-lagged analyses within a monozygotic twin differences design. Devevelopmental Psychology, 42, 1289–1298.
Chein, J., Albert, D., O’Brien, L., Uckert, K., & Steiberg, L. (2011). Peer increase adolescent risk taking by enhancing activity in the brain’s reward circuitry. Journal Development Science, 14(2), F1-F10.
Choo, H., & Shek, D. (2013). Quality of parent-child relationship, family conflic, peer pressure, and drinking behaviours of adolescents in an Asian context: the case of Singapore. Social Indication Rescue, 110, 1141-1157.
Clasen, D. R., & Brown, B. B. (1987). Understanding peer pressure in the middle school. Journal of Adolescence, 19(1), 21-23.
Crawford, L. A., & Novak, K. B. (2002). Parental and peer influences on adolescent drinking: The relative impact of attachment and opportunity. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 12(1), 1-26.
Crockett, L. J., Raffaelli, M., & Shen, Y. L. (2006). Linking self-regulation and risk proneness to risky sexual behavior: Pathways through peer pressure and early substance use. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 16(4), 503-525.
Derek, K., & Smiler, A. P. (2013). Norms and peer pressure in adolescent boys and girls alcohol use, Substance Use Misuse, 48(5), 371-378.
DiClemente, R. J., Santelli, J. S., & Crosby, R. A. (2009). Adolescent health. Understanding and preventing risk behaviour. San Franscisco: Jossey-Bass: A Wiley Imprint.
Dixson, M., Bermes, E., & Fair, S. (2014). An Instrument to investigate expectations about and experiences of the parent-child relationship: The parent-child relationship schema scale. Social Science, 3, 84-114.
Eaton, D. K., Kann, L. & Kinchen, S. (2006). Youth risk behavior surveillance. Division of Adolescent and School Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,55(5),1-108.
Faska. (2015, April 5). Pernikahan dini di Jogja meningkat tajam. Pojoksatu. Retrieved from
Fisher, L., & Feldman, S. S. (1998). Familial antecedents of young adulth health risk behavior: A longitudinal study. Journal of Family, 12(1), 68-80.
Gardner, M. & Steinberg, L. (2005). Peer influence on risk taking, risk preference, and risky decision making in adolescence and adulthood: An experimental study. Developmental Psychology, 41(4), 625–635.
Garnefski, N., & Diekstra, R. F. W. (1996). Perceived social support from family, school, and peers: Relationship with emotional and behavioral problem among adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(12), 1657-1664.
Gheorghiu, A., Delhomme, P., & Felonneau, M. L. (2015). Peer pressure and risk taking in young drivers’ speeding behavior. Transportation Research Part F, 35, 101–111.
Ghozali, I. (2011). Aplikasi analisis multivariat dengan program IBM SPSS 19, Edisi kelima. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro.
Gullone, E. & Moore, S. (2000). Developing adolescents: A reference for professionals. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Informasi Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga. (2009). Kementerian pemuda dan olahraga. Biro Perencanaan: Sekretariat Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga.
Jahun, K. (2011). Patterns of parent-child relationship quality, parent depression and adolescent development outcomes (Disertasi tidak terpublikasi). University of Washington, School of Nursing.
Jessor, R., & Jessor, T. (2009). Description versus explanation in cross-national research on adolescent. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(6), 527-528.
Jessor, R., Turbin, M.S., Costa, F.M., Dong, Q., Zhang, H., & Wang, C. (2003). Adolescent problem behavior in China and the United States: A cross-national study of psychosocial protective factors. Journal of Adolescence Research,13, 329–360.
Johnson, & Matthew, D. (2013). Parent-child relationship quality directly and indirectly influences hooking up behaviour reported in young adulthood through alcohol us in adolescence. Arch Sex Behaviour, 42, 1463-1472.
Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Foshee, V. A., Ennett, S. T., & Suchindran, C., (2008). The development of aggression during adolescence: Sex differences intrajectories of physical and social aggression among youth in rural areas. Journal Abnormal.Child Psycholology, 36, 1227–1236.
Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri). (2014). Kode dan data wilayah administrasi pemerintahan. Jakarta: Ditjen Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kemendagri Per Semester I.
Klahr, A.M., McGue, M., Lacono, W.G., & Burt, S.A. (2011). The association between parent–child conflict and adolescent conduct problems over time: Results from a longitudinal adoption study. Journal Abnormal Psychology, 120, 46–56.
Masten, A. S. (2001) Resiliensi process in development. American Psichological Association, 56(3), 227-228.
Mathijssen, J. P. J., Janssen, M. M., Bon-Martens, M., Oers, H. A., Boer, A. D., & Garretsen, H. F. (2014). Alcohol segment-specific associations between the quality of the parent-child relationship and adolescent alcohol use. Journal of Public Health, 872, 1471-2458.
Leather, N. C. (2009). Risk-taking behaviour in adolescence: A literature review. Journal of Child Health Care,13(3), 295–304.
Oni, A. A. (2010). Peer group pressure as a determinant of adolescent social adjustment in Nigerian schools. Asian Pasific Journal of Educators and Education, 25, 189-202.
Peacock, A., & Bruno, R. (2015). Young adults who mix alcohol with energy drink: Typology of risk taking behaviour. Addictive Behaviours, 45, 252-258.
Qu, Y., Fuligni, A. J., Galvan, A., & Telzer, E. H. (2015). Buffering effect of positive parent–child relationships on adolescent risk taking: A longitudinal neuro imaging investigation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 15, 26–34.
Ritcher. (2010). Risk behavior in adolescence, patterns, determinants, and consequences. Germany: Springer Fachmedien.
Sales, J. M., & Irwin, C. E., Jr. (2009). Theories of adolescent risk-taking: A biopsychosocial model. In R. DiClemente & R. Crosby (Eds.), Adolescent health:Understanding and preventing risk behaviors andadverse health outcomes (pp. 31–50). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Santrock, J. W. (2003). Adolescene: Perkembangan remaja. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Savitri, A. R. (2015, Desember 11). Inilah organisasi paling nge-hits di Yogyakarta. Youth Forum. Retrieved from http://www.duniaremaja.,-YouthForum-DIY
Skaar, N. R. (2009). Development of the adolescent exploratory and health risk behaviour rating scale(Unpublished dissertation). University of Minnesota, United Stated.
Sofronoff, Dalgliesh, & Kosky. (2004). Out of options, a cognitive model of adolescent suicide and risk-taking. USA: Cambridge University Press.
Stattin, H., & Kerr, M. (2000). Parental monitoring: A reinterpretation. Child Developmental, 71, 1072-1085.
Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia. (2013). Kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Badan Pusat Statistik. Jakarta: Indonesia.
Tsai, K. M. (2013). Continuity and discontinuity in perceptions of family relationship from adolescence to young adulthood. Journal of Child Development, 84(2), 471-484.
Turley, R. N. L., Desmond, M., & Bruch, S. K. (2010). Unanticipated educational consequences of a positive parent-child relationship. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(5), 1377-1390.
DOI: 10.22146/gamajop.33097
Alsa, A. (2014). Pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif serta kombinasinya dalam penelitian psikologi. Cetakan V. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Badan Koordinasi Keluraga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN). (2011). Kajian profil penduduk remaja (10-24 tahun): Ada apa dengan remaja. Policy Brief Puslitbang Kependudukan. Retrieved from
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). (2012). Survei demografi dan kesehatan Indonesia 2012. Kesehatan Reproduksi remaja. Jakarta: Kementerian Kesehatan Jakarta. Retrieved from
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. (2015). Statistik politik dan keamanan Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik. Baumrind, D., Larzele, R. E., & Owens, E. B. (2010). Effect of preschool parents’ power assertive patterns ang practise on adolescent development. Parenting Science and Practice, 10(3), 157-201.
Bonino, Cattelino, & Clairano,. (2005). Adolescents and risk, behavior, functions, and protective factors. Italia: Springer.
Burt, S. A., McGue, M., Lacono, W. G., & Krueger, R. F. (2006). Differential parent–childrelationships and adolescent externalizing symptoms: Cross-lagged analyses within a monozygotic twin differences design. Devevelopmental Psychology, 42, 1289–1298.
Chein, J., Albert, D., O’Brien, L., Uckert, K., & Steiberg, L. (2011). Peer increase adolescent risk taking by enhancing activity in the brain’s reward circuitry. Journal Development Science, 14(2), F1-F10.
Choo, H., & Shek, D. (2013). Quality of parent-child relationship, family conflic, peer pressure, and drinking behaviours of adolescents in an Asian context: the case of Singapore. Social Indication Rescue, 110, 1141-1157.
Clasen, D. R., & Brown, B. B. (1987). Understanding peer pressure in the middle school. Journal of Adolescence, 19(1), 21-23.
Crawford, L. A., & Novak, K. B. (2002). Parental and peer influences on adolescent drinking: The relative impact of attachment and opportunity. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 12(1), 1-26.
Crockett, L. J., Raffaelli, M., & Shen, Y. L. (2006). Linking self-regulation and risk proneness to risky sexual behavior: Pathways through peer pressure and early substance use. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 16(4), 503-525.
Derek, K., & Smiler, A. P. (2013). Norms and peer pressure in adolescent boys and girls alcohol use, Substance Use Misuse, 48(5), 371-378.
DiClemente, R. J., Santelli, J. S., & Crosby, R. A. (2009). Adolescent health. Understanding and preventing risk behaviour. San Franscisco: Jossey-Bass: A Wiley Imprint.
Dixson, M., Bermes, E., & Fair, S. (2014). An Instrument to investigate expectations about and experiences of the parent-child relationship: The parent-child relationship schema scale. Social Science, 3, 84-114.
Eaton, D. K., Kann, L. & Kinchen, S. (2006). Youth risk behavior surveillance. Division of Adolescent and School Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 55(5), 1-108. Faska. (2015, April 5). Pernikahan dini di Jogja meningkat tajam. Pojoksatu. Retrieved from
Fisher, L., & Feldman, S. S. (1998). Familial antecedents of young adulth health risk behavior: A longitudinal study. Journal of Family, 12(1), 68-80.
Gardner, M. & Steinberg, L. (2005). Peer influence on risk taking, risk preference, and risky decision making in adolescence and adulthood: An experimental study. Developmental Psychology, 41(4), 625–635.
Garnefski, N., & Diekstra, R. F. W. (1996). Perceived social support from family, school, and peers: Relationship with emotional and behavioral problem among adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 35(12), 1657-1664.
Gheorghiu, A., Delhomme, P., & Felonneau, M. L. (2015). Peer pressure and risk taking in young drivers’ speeding behavior. Transportation Research Part F, 35, 101–111.
Ghozali, I. (2011). Aplikasi analisis multivariat dengan program IBM SPSS 19, Edisi kelima. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro.
Gullone, E. & Moore, S. (2000). Developing adolescents: A reference for professionals. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Informasi Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga. (2009). Kementerian pemuda dan olahraga. Biro Perencanaan: Sekretariat Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga.
Jahun, K. (2011). Patterns of parent-child relationship quality, parent depression and adolescent development outcomes (Disertasi tidak terpublikasi). University of Washington, School of Nursing.
Jessor, R., & Jessor, T. (2009). Description versus explanation in cross-national research on adolescent. Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(6), 527-528.
Jessor, R., Turbin, M. S., Costa, F. M., Dong, Q., Zhang, H., & Wang, C. (2003). Adolescent problem behavior in China and the United States: A cross-national study of psychosocial protective factors. Journal of Adolescence Research, 13, 329–360.
Johnson, & Matthew, D. (2013). Parent-child relationship quality directly and indirectly influences hooking up behaviour reported in young adulthood through alcohol us in adolescence. Arch Sex Behaviour, 42, 1463-1472.
Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., Foshee, V. A., Ennett, S. T., & Suchindran, C., (2008). The development of aggression during adolescence: Sex differences intrajectories of physical and social aggression among youth in rural areas. Journal Abnormal. Child Psycholology, 36, 1227–1236.
Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri). (2014). Kode dan data wilayah administrasi pemerintahan. Jakarta: Ditjen Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kemendagri Per Semester I.
Klahr, A. M., McGue, M., Lacono, W. G., & Burt, S. A. (2011). The association between parent–child conflict and adolescent conduct problems over time: Results from a longitudinal adoption study. Journal Abnormal Psychology, 120, 46–56.
Masten, A. S. (2001) Resiliensi process in development. American Psichological Association, 56(3), 227-228.
Mathijssen, J. P. J., Janssen, M. M., Bon-Martens, M., Oers, H. A., Boer, A. D., & Garretsen, H. F. (2014). Alcohol segment-specific associations between the quality of the parent-child relationship and adolescent alcohol use. Journal of Public Health, 872, 1471-2458.
Leather, N. C. (2009). Risk-taking behaviour in adolescence: A literature review. Journal of Child Health Care, 13(3), 295–304.
Oni, A. A. (2010). Peer group pressure as a determinant of adolescent social adjustment in Nigerian schools. Asian Pasific Journal of Educators and Education, 25, 189-202.
Peacock, A., & Bruno, R. (2015). Young adults who mix alcohol with energy drink: Typology of risk taking behaviour. Addictive Behaviours, 45, 252-258.
Qu, Y., Fuligni, A. J., Galvan, A., & Telzer, E. H. (2015). Buffering effect of positive parent–child relationships on adolescent risk taking: A longitudinal neuro imaging investigation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 15, 26–34.
Ritcher. (2010). Risk behavior in adolescence, patterns, determinants, and consequences. Germany: Springer Fachmedien.
Sales, J. M., & Irwin, C. E., Jr. (2009). Theories of adolescent risk-taking: A biopsychosocial model. In R. DiClemente & R. Crosby (Eds.), Adolescent health: Understanding and preventing risk behaviors and adverse health outcomes (pp. 31–50). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Santrock, J. W. (2003). Adolescene: Perkembangan remaja. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Savitri, A. R. (2015, Desember 11). Inilah organisasi paling nge-hits di Yogyakarta. Youth Forum. Retrieved from http://www.duniaremaja.,-YouthForum-DIY
Skaar, N. R. (2009). Development of the adolescent exploratory and health risk behaviour rating scale (Unpublished dissertation). University of Minnesota, United Stated.
Sofronoff, Dalgliesh, & Kosky. (2004). Out of options, a cognitive model of adolescent suicide and risk-taking. USA: Cambridge University Press.
Stattin, H., & Kerr, M. (2000). Parental monitoring: A reinterpretation. Child Developmental, 71, 1072-1085.
Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia. (2013). Kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Badan Pusat Statistik. Jakarta: Indonesia.
Tsai, K. M. (2013). Continuity and discontinuity in perceptions of family relationship from adolescence to young adulthood. Journal of Child Development, 84(2), 471-484.
Turley, R. N. L., Desmond, M., & Bruch, S. K. (2010). Unanticipated educational consequences of a positive parent-child relationship. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(5), 1377-1390.
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