Body Shame dan Gangguan Makan Kajian Meta-Analisis
The number of person with eating disorders is increasing almost all over the world. The
exact cause of an eating disorder is difficult to determine. The feeling of shame caused by negative
judgments on one’s body has a positive correlation to the emergence of pathological eating
behavior. Furthermore, the position of body shame as a variable in research on eating
disorders is still inconsistent in some studies, consequently, it is placed as a mediating
variable to self-objectification. This study attempted to see whether there is a direct
correlation between body shame and eating disorders using meta-analysis procedure. The
analysis of sampling error and measurement error made on 34 studies from 21 articles. The
result of the analysis showed that body shame and eating disorder are strongly correlated
(r=0.547) with α = 0.05.
DOI: 10.22146/buletinpsikologi.27084
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