Thomas Dicky Hastjarjo
(Submitted 3 October 2016)
(Published 3 October 2016)


Belajar organisasional dipandang sebagai suatu kunci bagi kesuksesan organisasi di masa datang (Slater & Narver, 1995; Lukas, Hult, & Ferrel, 1996), sehingga dewasa ini proses-proses belajar organisasional sedang digali dengan giat dan penuh perhatian (Miller, 1996). Misalnya, Slater dan Narver (1995, hal.72) dalam mengakhiri kajiannya mengenai belajar organisasional menulis" We agree with the many sholars and execuitives who have expressed the sentiment that the ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable source of competitive advantage".

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DOI: 10.22146/bpsi.13525


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