Determinan ketidakpatuhan terapi antiretroviral pada ODHA dewasa

Zulpahmi Harahap(1*), Eggi Arguni(2), Theodola Baning Rahayujati(3)

(1) Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
(2) RSUP Dr. Sardjito
(3) Dinas Kesehatan Kulon Progo
(*) Corresponding Author


Determinants of non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy in adults with HIV/AIDS


This study aimed to determine the factors of non-adherence ARV therapy in adult PLWHA.


A case-control study was conducted using secondary data of the Cilacap VCT clinic with consecutive sampling technique. The total sample was 204, consisting of 102 cases and 102 controls (1:1). The cases were adult PLWHA who did not adhere to ARV therapy and the controls were adult PLWHA who adhere to ARV therapy. The bivariate analysis used Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests and multivariate analysis used logistic regression tests.


The variables that were shown to jointly affect non-adherence to ARV therapy in adult PLWHA were the level of education, CD4 count, PMO and opportunistic infections.


The risk factors of non-adherence to ARV therapy in adult PLWHA were the level of education, PMO, CD4 count and opportunistic infections. There needs to be a special assistance and counseling program on a regular basis to PLWHA adults with low education, obligating all PLWHA adults that start ARV therapy to have a PMO, continue HIV screening programs to entire population at risk and advocate the local governments to facilitate PLWHA who can not afford to obtain CD4 test .


non-adherence therapy; ARV; PLHIV; VCT; Regency of Cilacap


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