Coverage and effectiveness of the Village Food Security Movement (GKPD) in Yogyakarta Special Region

Rizqi Amalia Rohmah(1*), Lily Arsanti Lestari(2), Yayi Suryo Prabandari(3)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Objective: This study evaluates the GKPD program in DIY using Reach and Effectiveness dimensions with the RE-AIM framework.
Method: This research is a qualitative evaluation method research with a descriptive case study research design, which was carried out in 3 villages in DIY, Pandowoharjo, Sendangsari, and Mangunan from January-May 2020. Seventy three informants were selected purposely by those who have rich information related to the GKPD program implementation. Data was collected from six focus group discussions, 16 interviews, field observations, and document reviews. To assure the data credibility, then triangulation, member checking, and peer debriefing were done.
Results: Reach: the program involved village officials, community representatives, food providers in the village, and health agencies. Factors that encourage involvement are the conditions of village food safety and the expected benefits of the program, and inhibiting factors are restrictions on the number of participants, cadre/community conditions, and technical constraints. Effectiveness: the GKPD program increases the knowledge of cadres/communities involved, but food safety practices have not been carried out consistently with contributing factors such as limited infrastructures, lack of human resources, less active cadres, and short exposure to food safety.
Conclusion: It is a need to design more effective training programs so that food safety practices will be more consistent as well as periodic monitoring.
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