Studi Komparasi Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pencegahan Demam Berdarah Dengue terhadap Keberadaan Nyamuk sebagai Vektor

Briliana Nur Rohima, Sutami Budi Fitriawan, Puti Neila Kharisma Abbas,(1*), Kusuma Dewi, Hanif, Karttegayen,Nabilah, Rizka Aries Putranti,Laxmiprita Pusparani Rahardjo,(2), Ayu Wikan Sayekti Agung Prasetyo Wicaksono Wahyudi Istiono(3)
(*) Corresponding Author
Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of the main public health problems in Indonesia. It can
affect all age groups and may lead to death especially in children. The data shows that DHF cases in Kecamatan
Mantrijeron between January-June 2010 have reached the highest number of cases in past seven years, about
94 cases. Kecamatan Mantrijeron has an increasing trend of DHF which make it possible for the occurrence of
an outbreak of DHF when no preventions are done. RW 17 Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and RW 02 Kelurahan
Gedongkiwo are areas with highest prevalence. There are 8 and 9 cases in each area respectively.
Objective: To compare community behavior in preventing the existence of mosquitoes that is a DHF vector in the
environment of Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and Gedongkiwo, Kecamatan Mantrijeron.
Method: This research was a descriptive observational study, with cross-sectional retrospective study design
in July-August 2010 in RW 17 Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and RW 02 Gedongkiwo, Kecamatan Mantrijeron,
Kotamadya Yogyakarta. The research target population was 379 head of family (HF) from RW 17 Kelurahan
Suryodiningratan and 360 HF from RW 02 Kelurahan Gedongkiwo. Samples used was 60 HF from RW 17
Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and 66 HF from RW 02 Kelurahan Gedongkiwo (minimal sampling with P=0.5 were
58 HF for RW 17 and 57 HF for RW 02). Sampling was done by random sampling with milestone technique, the
behavior questionnaire, and observational checklist of mosquito existence as the instrument. Independent
variables were six behavioral criteria; dependent variable was the existence of mosquitoes. Data analysis was
done with bivariate analysis using relative risk (RR) and odds-ratio (OR).
Results: Analysis result of correlation between behavior to existence of mosquitoes in RW 17 with RR and
OR>1 are: 1. Not routinely inspecting larvae in water reservoir (RR=1.38 and OR=1.89) and 2. Not cleaning the
bathtub once a week (RR=1.32 and OR=1.74). Analysis result of correlation between behavior to existence of
mosquitoes in RW 02 with RR and OR>1 are: 1. Not getting rid of bottles and cans (RR=1.66 and OR=3.89); 2. Not
closing all water reservoir (RR=3.21 and OR=17.55); 3. Not routinely inspecting larvae in water reservoir
(RR=2.36 and OR=-); 4. The behavior of not cleaning the bathtub once a week (RR=2.07 and OR=-); 5. The
behavior of not draining-up the bath tub when cleaning (RR=2.03 and OR=-); 6. The behavior of not brushing
water reservoir when cleaning (RR=1.94 and OR=-). The difference between both districts is the characteristic
of RW 17 Kelurahan Suryodingratan that is abundant in trees as the rest area for mosquitoes and the riverbanks
of RW 02 Kelurahan Gedungkiwo are filled with household wastes.
Conclusion: There are differences in behavior in preventing mosquito existence in both RW 17 Kelurahan
Suryodiningratan and RW 02 Kelurahan Gedongkiwo. The population of Kelurahan Gedongkiwo regularly disposes
bottles and cans, drains the bath tub when cleaning, brushes water reservoir when cleaning, closes all water
reservoir, inspects larvae in water reservoir and cleans the bathtub once a week to prevent mosquitoes. The
population of Kelurahan Suryodiningratan inspects larvae in water reservoir and cleans the bathtub once a
week to prevent mosquitoes.
Keywords: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, behavior, RW 17 Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and RW 02 Kelurahan
Gedongkiwo, Kecamatan Mantrijeron
affect all age groups and may lead to death especially in children. The data shows that DHF cases in Kecamatan
Mantrijeron between January-June 2010 have reached the highest number of cases in past seven years, about
94 cases. Kecamatan Mantrijeron has an increasing trend of DHF which make it possible for the occurrence of
an outbreak of DHF when no preventions are done. RW 17 Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and RW 02 Kelurahan
Gedongkiwo are areas with highest prevalence. There are 8 and 9 cases in each area respectively.
Objective: To compare community behavior in preventing the existence of mosquitoes that is a DHF vector in the
environment of Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and Gedongkiwo, Kecamatan Mantrijeron.
Method: This research was a descriptive observational study, with cross-sectional retrospective study design
in July-August 2010 in RW 17 Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and RW 02 Gedongkiwo, Kecamatan Mantrijeron,
Kotamadya Yogyakarta. The research target population was 379 head of family (HF) from RW 17 Kelurahan
Suryodiningratan and 360 HF from RW 02 Kelurahan Gedongkiwo. Samples used was 60 HF from RW 17
Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and 66 HF from RW 02 Kelurahan Gedongkiwo (minimal sampling with P=0.5 were
58 HF for RW 17 and 57 HF for RW 02). Sampling was done by random sampling with milestone technique, the
behavior questionnaire, and observational checklist of mosquito existence as the instrument. Independent
variables were six behavioral criteria; dependent variable was the existence of mosquitoes. Data analysis was
done with bivariate analysis using relative risk (RR) and odds-ratio (OR).
Results: Analysis result of correlation between behavior to existence of mosquitoes in RW 17 with RR and
OR>1 are: 1. Not routinely inspecting larvae in water reservoir (RR=1.38 and OR=1.89) and 2. Not cleaning the
bathtub once a week (RR=1.32 and OR=1.74). Analysis result of correlation between behavior to existence of
mosquitoes in RW 02 with RR and OR>1 are: 1. Not getting rid of bottles and cans (RR=1.66 and OR=3.89); 2. Not
closing all water reservoir (RR=3.21 and OR=17.55); 3. Not routinely inspecting larvae in water reservoir
(RR=2.36 and OR=-); 4. The behavior of not cleaning the bathtub once a week (RR=2.07 and OR=-); 5. The
behavior of not draining-up the bath tub when cleaning (RR=2.03 and OR=-); 6. The behavior of not brushing
water reservoir when cleaning (RR=1.94 and OR=-). The difference between both districts is the characteristic
of RW 17 Kelurahan Suryodingratan that is abundant in trees as the rest area for mosquitoes and the riverbanks
of RW 02 Kelurahan Gedungkiwo are filled with household wastes.
Conclusion: There are differences in behavior in preventing mosquito existence in both RW 17 Kelurahan
Suryodiningratan and RW 02 Kelurahan Gedongkiwo. The population of Kelurahan Gedongkiwo regularly disposes
bottles and cans, drains the bath tub when cleaning, brushes water reservoir when cleaning, closes all water
reservoir, inspects larvae in water reservoir and cleans the bathtub once a week to prevent mosquitoes. The
population of Kelurahan Suryodiningratan inspects larvae in water reservoir and cleans the bathtub once a
week to prevent mosquitoes.
Keywords: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, behavior, RW 17 Kelurahan Suryodiningratan and RW 02 Kelurahan
Gedongkiwo, Kecamatan Mantrijeron
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