Infant appendicitis with perforation: a case report

Fuad Adi Prasetyo(1), Ekvan Danang Setya(2), Supangat Supangat(3*)

(1) Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember, Jember, East Java
(2) Department of Surgery, Dr. Soebandi District Hospital, Jember, East Java
(3) Department of Surgery, Dr. Soebandi District Hospital, Jember, East Java
(*) Corresponding Author


Appendicitis is one of the most common surgical emergencies in children. In
the USA, there are 70,000 cases are diagnosed each year. Acute appendicitis
is a rare case, barely considered in the diagnoses, and probably causes acute
abdominal sepsis in neonates. It affects males generally 75% of the time and
25%-50% of all reported cases occur in premature infant. Almost 50 cases have
been reported over the last 30 years. We reported a 5 month-old baby girl whom transferred to our hospital from a peripheral hospital. Previously, the baby diagnosis was low-type obstruction. At the time of admission to our hospital, the baby presented with a history of abdominal distension and did not pass stools after 48 h. Oxygen and oral gastric tube were administered. Exploratory
laparotomy surgery was performed through a transverse incision. This report
is a retrospective review of one patient with appendicitis perforation presented in our hospital.


appendicitis; perforation; surgery; infant; laparotomy

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