Permanent tooth eruption in Javanese children

Etty Indriati Etty Indriati(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Permanent tooth eruption from the alveolus into the oral cavity is one of the basic growth and developmental processes in humans. The permanent tooth eruption occurs gradually with age and therefore the eruption schedule can be used as an age indicator in forensic cases where only skeletons and teeth of children have been found.
Objective: This study examines permanent tooth eruption in Javanese children and compares it with other populations.
Material and Method: The subjects were 175 children from the state elementary school of Imogiri II, Bantu! District, Yogyakarta. Examinations were carried out using a mouth mirror under natural light. Data was classified in one-year age interval, based on the questionnaire given to parents to fill out with the birth date of each child. In addition, the mean and median ages of dental eruption in boys and girls maxillary and mandibular dentition were also statistically analyzed.
Results: Results show that in their maxillas, boys were more advanced than girls in tooth eruption, except for the upper canine teeth. Similarly, in the mandible, boys were more advanced than girls in tooth eruption, except for lower canine and second premolar teeth. In boys, the upper canines erupt later than upper second molars, which is opposite to the pattern of girls. The order of tooth eruption in boys is 11-M1, M', I', 12, 12, P1, P', P2, P2, CO3 M2, C°, M2. In girls, the order of tooth eruption is 11, M1, M', P, 12,12, PI, P1, Co, P2-P2, co, M2, M2.
Conclusion: Age can be determined on the basis of tooth eruption in children and subadults.

Keywords: permanent teeth, eruption, children, age, growth, Java

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Copyright (c) 2015 Etty Indriati Etty Indriati

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