Serum iron level after ingestion of repeated dose of iron shortly after and 2 hours after meal
Erna Kristin, Mohammad Hakim, Sri Kadarsih Soejono, Lukman Hakim(1*)
(*) Corresponding Author
Background: The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women is estimated to be higher than nonpregnant
women. Ironsupplementation program has been proven clinicallyto improvethe hemoglobin (Hb)level of
pregnant women. The absorption of iron is affected by food, therefore iron has to be given 2 hours after meal.
However, in practice, iron was given shortly after meal. The physiologicalchange in pregnant women affects drug
absorption, distribution, and eliminationphases.
Objective: To understand serum iron level after ingestion of repeated dose of iron shortly after and 2 hours after
meal for 12 weeks in trimester 2 pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia.
Method: The research design was a phase IIclinical trial. Subjects were 24 trimester 2 pregnant women with iron
deficiency anemia, classified into two groups, who were treated as follows: The first group was consisted of 12
women with irondeficiency anemia, treated with twice-a-day ferrous sulphate tablet @300 mg orally,given shortly
after meal for 12 weeks; the second group was consisted of 12 women with iron deficiency anemia, treated with
twice-a-day ferrous sulphate tablet @300 mg orally, given 2 hours after meal for 12 weeks. Bloodsamples were
taken in week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 after treatment. Serum (ferric) iron level was measured with Vitros Fe Slides
Result: Minimum,maximum, and average steady-state ironlevels (Css min, Css max, Css average) of treatment 1
were 104.1 ::I:14.03 ug/dL, 96.44::1:13.22 ug/dL, and 112.38::1:14.03 ug/dL (mean ::I:SEM),respectively; while
minimum, maximum, and average steady-state iron levels (Css min, Css max, Css average) of treatment 2 were
125.77::1:9.31 ug/dL, 118.03::1:9.21 ug/dL, and 125.77::1:9.31 ug/dL (mean::l:SEM),respectively. No statistical
significant difference was found within treatment in minimumsteady-state level between week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
after treatment. There was also no significant difference in minimumsteady-state level between treatment groups
in week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12.
Conclusion: There were no differences in serum iron level after ingestion of repeated dose of ironshortly after and
2 hours after meal for 12 weeks intrimester 2 pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia.
women. Ironsupplementation program has been proven clinicallyto improvethe hemoglobin (Hb)level of
pregnant women. The absorption of iron is affected by food, therefore iron has to be given 2 hours after meal.
However, in practice, iron was given shortly after meal. The physiologicalchange in pregnant women affects drug
absorption, distribution, and eliminationphases.
Objective: To understand serum iron level after ingestion of repeated dose of iron shortly after and 2 hours after
meal for 12 weeks in trimester 2 pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia.
Method: The research design was a phase IIclinical trial. Subjects were 24 trimester 2 pregnant women with iron
deficiency anemia, classified into two groups, who were treated as follows: The first group was consisted of 12
women with irondeficiency anemia, treated with twice-a-day ferrous sulphate tablet @300 mg orally,given shortly
after meal for 12 weeks; the second group was consisted of 12 women with iron deficiency anemia, treated with
twice-a-day ferrous sulphate tablet @300 mg orally, given 2 hours after meal for 12 weeks. Bloodsamples were
taken in week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 after treatment. Serum (ferric) iron level was measured with Vitros Fe Slides
Result: Minimum,maximum, and average steady-state ironlevels (Css min, Css max, Css average) of treatment 1
were 104.1 ::I:14.03 ug/dL, 96.44::1:13.22 ug/dL, and 112.38::1:14.03 ug/dL (mean ::I:SEM),respectively; while
minimum, maximum, and average steady-state iron levels (Css min, Css max, Css average) of treatment 2 were
125.77::1:9.31 ug/dL, 118.03::1:9.21 ug/dL, and 125.77::1:9.31 ug/dL (mean::l:SEM),respectively. No statistical
significant difference was found within treatment in minimumsteady-state level between week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
after treatment. There was also no significant difference in minimumsteady-state level between treatment groups
in week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12.
Conclusion: There were no differences in serum iron level after ingestion of repeated dose of ironshortly after and
2 hours after meal for 12 weeks intrimester 2 pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Erna Kristin, Mohammad Hakim, Sri Kadarsih Soejono, Lukman Hakim

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