Index & Accreditation Information
Lentera Hukum is indexed by:
- Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, where journals indexed here are considered internationally reputable.
- Directory of Open Access Journals, a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high-quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
- Google Scholar, a database that indexes websites and files of a scholarly nature.
- HeinOnline, a source for traditional legal materials, historical, governmental, and political documents, legislative debates, legislative and executive branch reports, world constitutions, international treaties, reports and other documents of international organizations.
- Science and Technology Index, a database of nationally accredited journals, as well as a mark of ranking certification for high-quality peer-reviewed periodical journals, awarded by the Indonesian government.
This journal is also available in other index and library services, as follows:
1. ResearchGate
2. Crossref
3. OCLC WorldCat
4. Dimensions
6. EuroPub
7. University of Missouri Libraries
8. ScienceGate
9. CUHK Library
10. University of Pennsylvania Libraries
11. Library Hub
12. Universiteit Gent Library
13. Universiteit Leiden Catalogue
14. Columbia University Libraries
15. University of Oxford Library
1. ResearchGate
2. Crossref
3. OCLC WorldCat
4. Dimensions
6. EuroPub
7. University of Missouri Libraries
8. ScienceGate
9. CUHK Library
10. University of Pennsylvania Libraries
11. Library Hub
12. Universiteit Gent Library
13. Universiteit Leiden Catalogue
14. Columbia University Libraries
15. University of Oxford Library
By including the content on such databases, this journal receives many benefits, including exposure to many libraries across the globe, and it has increased web traffic to the journal’s website.
The journal has been nationally accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, Education, and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, listed in the Science and Technology Index (SINTA) database.
From 2017-2019, this journal gained SINTA 3 (third level). From 2020-2021, it achieved SINTA 2 (second level), which means it has become one of Indonesia's premier law journals. Since 2022, this journal has become one of the top law journals in Indonesia, placed at SINTA 1 (first level).