Author Guideline

Manuscripts should be submitted through the online journal system available at New authors must register as new users before they can submit their work. Please follow the instructions on the submissions page to complete a manuscript submission. If you are willing to review a manuscript based on your expertise, please tick "willing to review" on the online registration form. Please also write your expertise in order to help us assign you with manuscripts that are in line with your expertise.


The international Journal of Religion, Society, and Human Rights (IJRSHR) invites contributors who focus on issues about religion, society and human rights. It is suggested that submissions be between 8,000 and 12,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography, saved Word files, and formatted in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The author may still submit a manuscript that is shorter or longer than the word limit, and the editor can still review the manuscript if she/he believes the manuscript meets the academic standard of the journal.

The journal does not publish book reviews in a short version, that are less than 3000 words in length, but authors are more than welcome to submit book reviews in a longer version.  The journal also welcomes commentary on the interplay between religion, society, and human rights from all any discipline in a short version, approximately 2000 to 4000 words.

Submission of the manuscript to this journal should not have been published previously in academic publications such as books, book chapters, journals in the same language (English), or any other form of academic publications. However, authors are still allowed to submit their manuscript with certain conditions. The manuscript can still be submitted (1) if less than 50 percent of the manuscript has been published at a conference, workshop, or as a seminar paper. This also implies that if the final version of the manuscript in this submission is the continuation of academic work, the author must state clearly in the manuscript about this work; (2) if the manuscript has been published in other languages other than English; (3) if the manuscript has been published on an institutional website such as university, company, or organization website.

Contributors should remove their names from the manuscripts to ensure that the manuscript is anonymous and meets the double-blind review process of this Journal. The editor of the Journal usually assigns two reviewers with anonymous identity in order to protect the double-blind review process and avoid conflict of interest between reviewer and author. It usually takes more than three months for the author to receive feedback from journal reviewers. If the author does not receive any feedback from the Journal after the time allocated, please kindly send a notification to the editor via email. 

Submissions should be written in English (U.K.) and adhere to the McGill Guide: The Canadian Guide on Uniform Legal Citation. See the link to follow the instructions Authors must adjust the reference style after their manuscript is accepted for publication.

We strongly encourage all authors to use ZOTERO, MENDELEY or END NOTE to support citation format requirements. The software will help authors to keep following comments and suggestions or let alone ideas that have been deleted or added by the reviewers. However, if the author is not familiar with the software, the Journal will provide a free copy editor to adjust the final manuscript with the journal reference style. This will apply if the editor believes that the manuscript has an outstanding, rich, and complex discussion of the human rights issue. 

It is solely the author’s responsibility to ensure that the manuscripts submitted to the Journal are his or her original work and free of plagiarism. In this process, the editor will decide whether the manuscripts pass the plagiarism check. If the manuscript does not pass the plagiarism check, the Journal will decline the manuscript but will still allow the author to re-submit the manuscript after major revisions.


All manuscripts will be assessed through a process of blind or double-blind review. The Journal, after receiving comments and suggestions from reviewers, retains the right to either accept or reject manuscripts submitted for publication. All accepted articles will be proofread and copy-edited by the Journal's English Language Editor.


The Journal allows other parties to use, re-use, and share all works in this journal in all kinds of free platforms as long they acknowledge the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. 

All authors are permitted and encouraged to distribute their works in the online format such as institutional repository, personal blog, and social media solely to promote free knowledge sharing for the public.



Font: Baskerville

Paper Title Should Be Max 12 words with Font Size 19.

Authors name, Affiliation, Country: Font size 12

Abstract: Font size 11 and Bold

Abstract body should have a font size of 11 and it should not be in bold. Maximum words: 300. The abstract should include, but is not limited to, the problematic issue, the research question (in narration and not question form), and methodology used.

Keywords (Font size 12):  Three (3) to five (5) keywords should be here and in italics.

1. INTRODUCTION (Should be in all caps and should be a size of 13).

The body of the introduction should be font size 11. The first paragraph should not be indented, but all following paragraphs should be. There should be a blank space after the Introduction and before the text begins.

            As so, please indent before each paragraph. Do not include a blank space in between paragraphs.


The main sections should also be written with the font size of 11 and should follow the same paragraph rules as the introduction above. There should be a blank space after the heading and before the text begins.

            Do not forget to indent with each paragraph.

1. Subheadings in the Main Sections Should Be Formatted and Labeled as Such

2. (Center formatted, size 13, starting from the number “1,” and all major words should be capitalized. Do not capitalize conjunctions or articles.)

After the subheading, the first paragraph should not be indented. All following paragraphs should be indented. The text should remain at size 11 font. There should be a blank space after the heading and before the text begins.

Further Subheadings Should Be Formatted and Labelled as Such

(Center formatting, size 12, starting from the letter “a,” and all major words should be capitalized. Do not capitalize conjunctions or articles.)

After the subheading, the first paragraph should not be indented. All following paragraphs should be indented. The text should remain at size 11 font. There should be a blank space after the heading and before the text begins.

            Please make special note: avoid double heading sections. For example, subheading “a” should not follow directly after subheading “.


The body of the conclusion should be font size 11. The first paragraph should not be indented, but all following paragraphs should be. There should be a blank space after the Conclusion Title and before the text begins.

            As so, please indent before each paragraph. Do not include a blank space in between paragraphs. 


The sources for the paper go here, the font size should be 12, and it should be formatted following the standards set by the Canadian Legal Citation 7th Ed.

Revisional Guidelines

After an article has been accepted and reviewed by our Editorial Board, if changes are needed to be made, please complete the revisions within two to four weeks. Additionally, please highlight the revised sections in yellow.

For information on style and grammar guidelines, please refer to the LINK: 

All inquiries regarding manuscript submission, journal policy, and any other relevant information regarding the journal can be emailed to