Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission Procedure for SHARE Journal

The review process begins with a pre-review. Qualifying submissions advance to a double-blind peer review. General article writing guidelines are outlined below:

  • Submission Through OJS:
  1. Before submitting a manuscript, authors are required to register an account and log into the OJS system.
  2. The author sends the manuscript in soft copy format to the Editorial Board of SEAJ ALGOVe Journal through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.
  3. Submissions are made through the official SEAJ ALGOVe Journal page: 
  • Notification of Acceptance:
  1. After the manuscript is successfully submitted, the author will receive a notification that the manuscript has been accepted.
  2. It is important to understand that acceptance of the manuscript does not guarantee publication.
  3. Accepted manuscripts will go through a review process by editors and reviewers.
  • Manuscript Requirements:
    • The manuscript format can be downloaded in the “Document Template” section on the SEAJ ALGOVe OJS page.


Journal Manuscript Format

  • Manuscript Originality:
  1. Naskah yang diterima adalah naskah yang belum pernah dipublikasikan sebelumnya.
  2. Jika terbukti naskah telah dipublikasikan, maka risiko hukum sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.
  • Manuscript Language:
    • Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English.
  • Type of Manuscript:
    • Manuscripts can be:
      • Research paper.
      • Review papers (thoughts) in the field of law.
  • Writing Requirements:
  1. In Indonesian language manuscripts, foreign language terms must be italicized.
  2. Paragraph writing in the manuscript uses 5 beats (indentation).
  • Article Format:
  1. In Indonesian language manuscripts, foreign language terms must be italicized.
  2. Paragraph writing in the manuscript uses 5 beats (indentation).
  • Article Format:
  1. Titles, abstracts (100-200 words), and keywords (3-5 words) in both English and Bahasa Indonesia (non-Indonesian authors may submit English abstracts only).
  2. Article length of 5,000-10,000 words, including footnotes, but excluding bibliography.
  3. Articles should have a fluid structure, not rigidly follow a "1. Introduction, 2. Research Method, 3. Discussion and Analysis" format and other similar format.
  4. Bibliographies do not require sub-sections for different reference types.
  • Source Material:
    • Conference papers and theses/dissertations are eligible for publication provided the author explicitly indicates their source and the work has undergone substantial revision. 
  • Authorship:
    • To ensure transparency and accuracy, authors must disclose all co-authors by listing their names in the submission metadata. Only individuals with major contributions, such as writing multiple sections and approving the final version, qualify as co-authors. Furthermore, authors must cite sources responsibly, following the required format as detailed in these guidelines.
  • References:
  1. Sources must be cited responsibly and in the required format.
  2. Authors are strongly encouraged to use citation management software (Mendeley, Zotero, etc.).

Manuscript Format

→ Can be seen through the Journal Template menu