Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
The Journal of Natural Dyes is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the research, development, and application of natural dyes derived from plants, animals, minerals, and microorganisms. The journal publishes original research, communication, and review articles.
By submitting a manuscript to this journal, authors confirm that the work described has not been previously published and will not be submitted elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract or as part of a lecture.
Manuscripts should focus on studies or developments related to natural dyes, particularly from a multidiscipline array perspectives. Submissions related to environmental sciences, technological applications, or natural product-derived compounds that do not contribute to the fundamental understanding of the development of natural dyes will not be considered.
About the Manuscript
Submitted manuscripts are classified into original research articles, which present detailed, original work that contributes novel and/or valuable information or provides a general survey of specialized subjects related to natural dyes. Authors may reproduce or republish portions of their published contributions without seeking permission from the Indonesia Natural Dyes Institute, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), provided that any such republication includes an acknowledgment in the following format: (Original Citation - Reproduced by Permission of The Indonesia Natural Dyes Institute, Universitas Gadjah Mada).