Journal Policy

1. The submission process of a manuscripts is done through the Open Journal System (OJS)

2. The manuscript submitted to JILI shall meet the following conditions:

  1. The manuscript is not in the process of publication in other publication agencies
  2. The manuscript has never been published in other publications agencies
  3. The manuscript is not the result of plagiarism
  4. The editor reserves the right to select and edit the incoming manuscript. Publication or rejection of the manuscript will be notified to the author. The priority of publication is based on the assessment of substance and the order of the manuscripts that are received by JILI. The substance of the manuscript or article in its entirety is the responsibility of the author. Scripts that are not published will not be returned.
  5. The manuscripts that are already included in the review process can not be withdrawn.
  6. If the results of the review process state that the author's script can not be published, the author is entitled to publish it in other publication agencies.
  7. The author who withdraws the manuscript during or after the review process will be blacklisted and cannot publish his work in JILI for 2 consecutive years after the withdrawals.
  8. Authors who have not submitted the manuscript's revision for up to 3 months after being given the appropriate decision, shall be cancelled by the decision of the Editor in Chief.
  9. JILI does not impose any article processing or publication fees.
  10. In the case of a mentor in the process of research or the preparation of manuscripts, they shall not be included in the list of authors.
  11. Submitted manuscripts will be processed in a timely order.