Optimization of Nanosilver Synthesis Formula Using Bioreductor from Cassava Leaf Water Extract (Manihot esculenta Crantz): Application of Central Composite Design (CCD)

Optimization of Nanosilver Synthesis Formula Using Bioreductor from Cassava Leaf Water Extract

  • Florentinus Dika Octa Riswanto Faculty of Pharmacy, Sanata Dharma University
  • Rini Dwiastuti
  • Stevani Johannes
Keywords: nanosilver, experimental design, cassava, bioreductor


Nanosilver can be described as nano-sized silver particle that is widely used as an antimicrobial. Synthesis of nanosilver can be done by chemical reduction method. The use of bioreductors is considered because it is cheap, environmentally friendly and non-toxic. Precursor concentration and reducing agent concentration need to be optimized to control the nanosilver particle size. This study aims to obtain the formula and the optimum area for nanosilver synthesis from factors optimized using CCD. This research is a quasi-experimental design using a CCD with 2 factors as independent variables, thait is concentration of AgNO3, concentration of cassava leaf aqueous extract. Parameters used as dependent variables are wavelength and %T value. Optimum area and data analysis with ANOVA using Minitab17. The optimum formula results obtained are AgNO3 concentration 1.64 mM and cassava leaf aqueous extract concentration 17.61% which will produce a wavelength of 424.75 nm and %T 95.2%. Two optimum formulas were also selected from the experimental design that had been carried out. It is necessary to do further research related to the relationship between absorbance and the amount of nanosilver formed, validation of the optimum formula solution obtained and paying attention to the critical steps in the synthesis of nanosilver.


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How to Cite
Riswanto, F. D. O., Dwiastuti, R., & Johannes, S. (2022). Optimization of Nanosilver Synthesis Formula Using Bioreductor from Cassava Leaf Water Extract (Manihot esculenta Crantz): Application of Central Composite Design (CCD). Indonesian Journal of Chemometrics and Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2(1), 164-178. https://doi.org/10.22146/ijcpa.4752
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