Published: Apr 30, 2022

Study on Place Attachment of Street Vendors to the Trading Space in Alun-alun Jepara

Apr 30, 2022
Aisyah Farah Dina Purba, Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
Read Statistic: 214

Node-Place Model Analysis on Attached Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Areas : The Case of Wates Train and Bus Station Area

Apr 30, 2022
Muhammad Yusuf Alfyan, Dyah Titisari Widyastuti
Read Statistic: 194

User's Perception of Public Space at Malioboro Street After Revitalization using Placemaking Approach

Apr 30, 2022
Marinda Noor Fajrina Noviana Putri, Syam Rachma Marcillia
Read Statistic: 309

Factors that Influence Tourism Recovery, Post Disaster Earthquake in Sembalun Sub-District, East Lombok Regency

Apr 30, 2022
Muhammad Arif Fatini, Yori Herwangi
Read Statistic: 125

Stakeholders' Response to Community-based Ecotourism in Phonsim and That Inghang villages Kaysone Phomvihane City, Savannakhet Province, Laos

Jun 20, 2022
Pany Sivannavong, Bambang Hari Wibisono
Read Statistic: 164

Characteristics of the Former Salt Factory of Kalianget, Sumenep

Jun 20, 2022
Vicelia Intan Savila Savila, Dwita Hadi Rahmi
Read Statistic: 104